
Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji is a sage who lived for 179 years as a fully realized Jivan Mukta spanning the 19th century at the base of the Pothai Hill, in the Pothigai range, at Valliyur in the Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu, before attaining Jiva Samadhi in 1913. He is an Amsa-Avatar of the ancient legendary Sri Agastya Maha Muni whose lifespan has extended over countless Yugas and Kalpas of time. He is deemed in Occult circles as the Head of the Saptha Rishis of recent times and of all the Chit-Purushas, namely the realized sages of yore. Several authentic ola-leaf Rishi-Vakiyams read in this connection have confirmed that Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji is an Amsa-Avatar of Sri Agastya Maha Muni and is a Saamu Sidhdhar who manifested on earth as a realized sage without any prior initiation and is not subject to re-birth. During his sojourn on earth, Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji did not permit any one to take any photograph or make any portrayal of him. In accordance with Swamiji's instructions, his devotees have been offering worship to Him in the sculpted form or painting of Sri Agastya Maha Muni.Swamiji unfailingly showers His blessings on those who seek Him and solves their problems. During Swamiji's life-time on earth it is reported that he used to levitate to the top of Pothai Hill every evening and witness the Sayarakshai Pooja at Tiruchendur Temple and once a year on Thirukarthigai day he used to light a fire on top of Pothai Hill . As a Kayakalpa Sidhdhar Swamiji used to abstain from consuming any rice or other cereal food for his bodily sustenance.

Even when Swamiji was living in his physical body, he had foretold to his disciples that a temple would be built at Samiyar Pothai, that a Ther would perambulate Pothai Hill, and that a stream would flow by its side. The mother of the founder of Sri Muthukrishna Swami Mission, Thiru Manickavasgam Pillai namely Subbammal was among the blessed disciples who heard His prediction. After thus showering His Grace on numerous occasions Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji finally sat in Jiva Samadhi on Ekadasi (11th) day of the waxing moon in the month of Kaarthigai in the year 1913.

His Holiness Satguru Sri Muthukrishna Swami, who is seated in Jiva Samadhi with his life-breath stilled, is Himself now fulfilling, through Pujyasri Mathaji Vithamma, the prophesies He made when he was present on earth in physical form.

Pujyasri Mathaji Vithamma is the blessed daughter of the most revered Thiru Manickavasagam Pillai, the founder of Sri Muthukrishna Swami Mission, who had the good fortune not only to have had the darshan of Swamiji during his life time but also to have been blessed by Him.

The Most Revered Thiru. K. Manickavasagam Pillai

A blessed son was born to Radhapuram Thiru. Kalyanasundaram Pillai and the very pious lady Subbammal on January 30, 1906. The child was named Manickavasagam Pillai. Devoted as she was to Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji, the lady Subbammal used to take her son to be in the presence of Satguru Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji and obtain His blessings. Thiru Manickavasagam Pillai was most blessed to have received in his childhood Satguru Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji's Nayana Deeksha, Sparsha Deeksha and Divine Grace. Later in life too he continued to be bestowed with the Grace of his Satguru through his divinely gifted daughter Pujyasri Mathaji Vithamma . Several incidents took place in his life just as they were foretold by Swamiji.

In order to implement the directions of Satguru Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji, Thiru. Manickavasagam Pillai set up, in 1969, the Sri Muthhukrishna Swami Mission, with his uniquely blessed daughter Pujyasri Mathaji Vithamma as its head. He carried out the directions of his Satguru through the Mission. As part of the Mission's activities, he conducted every year without fail the Guru Pooja of Satguru Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji in a grand manner and entirely free of cost to the public.

After laying the foundation and establishing ways and means for people everywhere to experience the grace of Satguru Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji, Thiru Manickavasagam Pillai attained the divine feet of his Satguru on February 24, 1989. Since then, his divinely inspired daughter and head of Sri Muthukrihna Swami Mission, Pujyasri Mathaji Vithamma, has been realizing each and every one of his dreams.

Pujyasri Mathaji Vithamma

Mathaji Vithamma Pujyasri Mathaji Vithamma, who heads the Sri Muthukrishna Swami Mission and guides us all, is the divinely inspired daughter of the most revered founder of the Mission, Thiru Manickavasagam Pillai .As the recipient of Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji's abounding Grace, Pujyasri Mathaji Vithamma gathers and records His instructions, and through the institution of Sri Muthukrishna Swami Mission , continues to implement them and carry out not only the numerous charitable activities started by her illustrious father, but also several more.

As one who never saw the inside of a school, and grew up as the hidden "lamp in a pot" which shone at home, Mathaji Vithamma today shines as the bright light on the Hill, speaks fluently in Tamil and English to all those who seek her, allays their woes, and treats them with Sidhdha medicine by the grace of the Guru. With the blessing of Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji and under the guidance of Mathaji Vithamma , her disciples are carrying out several charitable services at the holy Kshetram of Sri Pothai.

Sri Muthukrishna Swami Mission

The Sri Muthukrishna Swami Mission is carrying out several rare charitable activities at the Guru's Kshetram of Sri Pothai . Among these are daily Annadhanam (free meals) to alleviate gnawing hunger, free drinking water supply, free medical care to cure bodily diseases, free education to nurture the mind and free training in the Fine Arts to inculcate cultural values.

A great task completed recently in 2008 by the Mission, jointly with the Government under its "Namakku Naame" (for us by ourselves) scheme is the building of a ring road around Pothai Hill wide enough to accommodate a Ther(chariot). The ring road , which connects the villages of Ponnankurichi, Meenakshipuram, Dhalapathi Samudram, Valliyur, Keshavaneri, Electricity Board Colony, Annanagar, Rajaputhur, Thirukurungudi, Ervadi, Dhalavaipuram and Nambithalaivanpattayam, will not only enhance communication facilities between these villages, but also lead to the economic betterment of the inhabitants of these villages. On 7th of December, 2008, the Sri Muthukrishna Swami Mission conducted a magnificent Ther Festival of their Satguru by taking the Ther around the Pothai Hill on the new ring road. Thousands of devotees participated in this festival.

Current Activities of The Mission

LalithaKala Mandhir The Fine Arts Centre

Dance class at LalithaKala Mandhir LalithaKala Mandhir provides free training in the Fine Arts to all those who are enthusiastic and committed, including those without means or the opportunity to learn the Fine Arts. Among the disciplines taught at LalithaKala Mandhir are: Classical Bharathanatyam, Carnatic Vocal Music, Mirudangam, Veena and Flute.Padmashree Smt. Chitra Visweswaran is the Dean of LalithaKala Mandhir. She, along with other reknown artistes serve as Acharyas at LalithaKala Mandhir. Through LalithaKala Mandhir, children in villages are imbibed with a sense of culture and a taste for the fine arts, a necessary component in a child's growth and education. LalithaKala Mandhir has staged many dramas, including the mega production of Periya Puranam, the story of the 63 Saivaite Saints - in 80 episodes at Chennai, Coimbatore and Tirunelveli over a period of seven years. These stories teach important lessons in morality and wisdom. All programs conducted by LalithaKala Mandhir are free of charge to the public.

Adhurasalai Free Medical Service

The free medical service provides medicines and treatment for any and all who come The Mission provides a Free Medical Service, which includes free consultation and dispensation of pharmaceutical and ayurvedic medicines. Free lab and diagnostic services are provided as well. The Free Medical Services are carried out on Sundays at Coimbatore and Monday to Friday at Sri Pothai. Special medical camps targeting specific areas such as E.N.T, Orthopaedic, Dental and Eye are organized every three months with the participation of specialist doctors. The various eye camps held at Sri Pothai have provided free treatment for thousands of persons and have also provided free eyeglasses and surgery for the needy.

Sri Vidya Mandhir Free Education

Children are given free education at Sri Vidya Mandhir Sri Vidya Mandhir is a nursery and primary school situated at Thirukkurungudi village in South India and is located in close proximity to Sri Pothai. Sri Vidya Mandhir provides free education in the English medium to village children. Students are also provided text books free of charge and quality education is imparted to them with the assistance of the dedicated teaching staff. Additionally, all students are provided, daily, with a cup of freshly boiled cow's milk and nutritious midday meals at noon free of charge. Further, periodical medical checkups are carried out to ensure the maintenance of the standard of health of the students.

Annadhanam Feeding the needy

Free meals are provided, daily, at Sri Pothai At Sri Pothai in Valliyoor, the Mission has been providing free daily meals to the needy for over a decade. The meals are prepared with meticulous attention in order to nourish both the body and the soul. People from surrounding villages walk long distances to have these meals. Annadhanam has greatly contributed to the general upliftment of the local area. This program provides many with their only meal for the day, especially to the school going children from low-income families. These children can afford to go to school only because their parents are relieved of the burden of having to pay for their food. By enabling local children to have a proper education, it is hoped that the endless cycle of poverty and hardship that afflicts the villages surrounding Sri Pothai can be eliminated. The fact that the local villagers, once lean and suffering from malnutrition, are now healthy and able-bodied is a testament to the benefits of this Annadhanam, conducted at the sanctum of Guru Maharaj Sri Muthukrishna Swamiji.

Aforestation of Sri Pothai

The positive effects of the presence of forest land and greenery in a given ecology is well-studied understood. TheareainandaroundVallioornearthe Sacred Sri Pothai hill is teeming with life of all sorts. In order to maintain and foster this healthy ecosystem, it would be necessary to cultivate the barren areas of land near the hill with trees, plants, herbs and shrubs that would benefit the local fauna as well as the villages in the surrounding areas. The Muthukrishna Swami Mission aims to act as the curator of the sacred Sri Pothai hill and its immediate surroundings, overseeing the aforestation of the land. The Mission is already heavily invested and active in nurturing the area, having paved (and now maintaining) a ring-road around the mountain. Culverts have been built to allow the free flow of water from the mountains. We have already started planting trees and watering the area around the hill. When the Mission is given full rein to act as the curator of the local area, the goal of raising awareness of the local environs and enrichment of the local fauna will be realized.

Go Samrakshanam Care for cattle

Cows are taken care of at Sri Pothai With every aspect of hers being useful to mankind, the cow symbolises selfless giving and sacrifice. She is revered as 'Go Matha' for she provides us with so much, be it the milk that nourishes the human population, or her droppings that serve as fertiliser, fuel, disinfectant and the largest source of household energy in India, yet asks for nothing in return. The cow, apart from our mother, is our primary source of nourishment and so, deserves the same respect a mother enjoys. Just as we are duty-bound to care for our mother irrespective of her age, it is our responsibility to, not only prevent the merciless and mindless slaughter of these selfless beings, but also to nurture and protect them throughout their lifespan. Go Samrakshana, apart from being economically beneficial, is also our moral obligation.


O Adorable Lord of Mercy and Love!
Salutations and prostrations unto Thee.
Thou art Rama and Krishna, Shiva and Vishnu,
Jesus and Allah, Buddha and Mahavira,
Ahurmazda and Jehovah.
Thou art Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient
Thou art Satchitananda
Thou art the Indweller of all beings.

Grant us an understanding heart,
Equal vision, balanced mind,
Faith, devotion and wisdom.
Grant us inner Spiritual strength
To resist temptations and to control the mind.
Free us from egoism, lust, greed, anger, hatred and jealousy.
Fill our hearts with Divine virtues.

Let us behold Thee in all these Names and Forms,
Let us serve Thee in all these Names and Forms,
Let us ever remember Thee,
Let us ever sing Thy Glories,
Let Thy Name be ever on our lips,
Let us abide in Thee for ever and ever.