Thirumazhisai Alwar

Thirumazhisai was born to Brihu Munivar and Kanagangi. He born has a stump of flesh without any form. The baby was left near some bamboo shoots.

Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi appear to bless the child. Upon Lakshmi's gaze, the baby takes its full form. She feeds the baby, Lord Vishnu blesses him and they then leave.

Upon their departure, the baby begins to cry.

A wood cutter by the name of Thiruvalan comes across the baby. Since he doesn't have any children of his own, he sees the baby as a blessing from Vishnu, and takes the baby home.

Having been fed Lakshmi's milk, Thirumazhisai grew as a young boy without being fed. By the age of seven, he had developed full control over himself and his senses

As a young boy, he was visited by an old couple who brough him milk. The boy accepted the milk and drank it, this being the first time he had consumed anything since being fed by Godess Lakshmi. His parents, surprised, requested the couple to bring milk daily.

The old couple, treating the boy like their own child, bring milk to him daily. Then one day, the young boy blesses the couple and gives them their remaining milk as prasadam and asks them to drink it.

Upon consuming the milk, the couple become young. He blesses them and tells them they will soon have a child.

Soon afterwards, the couple were blessed with a son. He would later be known as Kannikannan and would become a sishya of Thirumazhisai Alwar.

When he grew up, he went to various places, seeking to learn the path to reach god.

On the way he meets Pei Alwar, who gives him insight on the origins and purpose of his birth. He reveals that Thirumazhisai Alwar is amsa of Lord Vishnu's chakara. Upon hearing this, he becomes a devotee of Lord Vishnu and sings his praises.

Some time later, two sithans come to test his abilities. Sukthiharan comes flying on a tiger, but is stopped before reaching its destination. He finds Thirumazhisai in meditation, and realizes that his tiger was stopped because this. Sukthiharan introduces himself to Thirumazhisai and accuses him of stopping his tiger with his meditation. Sukthiharan proceeds to mock his clothing and conjures some clothes using his powers and gives it to Thirumazhisai.

Thirumazhisai, without accepting the cloth, prays to Lord Vishnu, and was immediately dressed in clothing far better than what Sukthiharan had given him Sukthiharan next gives his gold chain to Thirumazhisai to use as a jappa-garland. Thirumazhisai, in turn, gives his thulasi garland and tells him that this is far more powerful than his gold chain. Sukthiharan realizes the greatness of Thirumazhisai and falls at his feet.

The second sithan, Kongana sithan, who has the ability to transform metal into gold, comes to Thirumazhisai. He gives Thirumazhisai a bottle of mercury, which he explains can be turned into gold at any time.

Thirumazhisai replies by giving Kongana some dust off his body and tells him that this dust can turn amount of stone into gold. Kongana uses the dust and is suprised to find that the dust turns an ordinary pebble into stone. He comes to realize the power of Thirumazhisai and begs leave.

Later on, Pei Alwar, Poodath Alwar and Poighai Alwar come to meet Thirumazhisai and spend some time with him. They embrace and then leave.

Later, Thirumazhisai visits an ashram, in which, Vedams are being chanted. The andhanars who are chanting stop upon seeing him as he comes from a different community. Thirumazhisai realizes this and leaves so as not to disturb their chanting. Upon leaving, the andhanars are unable to restart their chanting and have completely forgotten it. They realize their mistake and apologize to Thirumazhisai. Thirumazhisai takes a black husk of rice and breaks it half. Upon this occurrence, the andhanars regain their memories and continue their chanting.

Lord Vishnu, who is residing in Perumpulayur, to underscore the importance of Thirumazhisai Alwar, turns his head towards whichever direction Thirumazhisai travels. The priests in the temple are shocked on seeing this and inform Perumpulayur Adigalar. Perumpulayur Adigalar realizes why this is occurring and goes to Thirumazhisai Alwar to invite him to the temple to accept the Agra Pooja.

Thirumazhisai comes to the temple but one of the vediyars oppose his entrance as he is not a brahmin. Anothers argue that he is a yogi and should be allowed to enter.

Thirumazhisai interjects and asks that Lord Vishnu himself should decide if he has the right to accept the pooja. He sings a song, at the end of which, they all come to see Lord Vishnu in Thirumazhisai's heart. The vediyars ask him to come in accept the pooja.

Later, Thirumazhisai proceeds to Kumbakonam to a temple, to see Aravamubha. He sees Lord Vishnu sleeping in the temple. He tells Lord Vishnu that while it is nice to speak to him while sleeping, it will be nicer to speak to him in his regular standing position. Upon hearing this, Lord Vishnu begins to rise, Thirumazhisai explains that he was merely wondering and did not ask Lord Vishnu to actually stand. Lord Vishnu replies that in this temple, he will always remain in this position to convey that he is always their for his bhakthars and will do anything for them. Lord Vishnu blesses Thirumazhisai and tells him that he will be known as Thirumazhisai Piran.

Thirumazhisai spends the rest of his days within the temple.